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    Curvature of The Spine

    ‘’Scoliosis’’, which is the name given to spinal curvature, is a condition that is typically diagnosed during the growth period. Scoliosis, which develops as a result of the spine curving or twisting to the right or left due to various reasons, can seriously affect a person’s life if left untreated, beginning at a young age.

    Scoliosis, which has a prevalence rate that varies between 0.2% and 6%, is the oldest known spinal deformity. While it can develop due to various causes such as trauma and congenital developmental disorders, the cause of 80% of skolyoz cases is unknown. Generally, at the beginning of the growth period, symptoms such as asymmetry of the shoulders, a protrusion in a part of the back, and the hips not being at the same level are noticed by the parents.

    Skoliosis, also known as curvature of the spine, is when the spine bends to the side at an angle greater than 10 degrees. In a normal and healthy spine, the vertebrae run in a straight line from top to bottom, from the neck, through the back, and down to the lower back. However, in scoliosis, the vertebrae shift to the right or left and also rotate around their own axes. Therefore, it is defined as a three-dimensional deformity (shape abnormality).

    Scoliosis can also cause shifts in the hips, ribcage, and shoulder blades, leading to postural and visual abnormalities. In children during their growth phase, this condition can cause abnormal loading on developing and growing spine and resulting in deformities in the vertebrae.

    This condition is more common in boys in the preschool period and 3-5 times more common in girls during adolescence, depending on the growth rate. Scoliosis, which does not cause strong complaints in the patient in the early stages, is mostly detected by chance during school screenings or X-ray imaging for any reason. In addition, the child’s body appearance disorder is one of the most important reasons why families seek medical attention. Asymmetry in the shoulders, shoulder blades, breast level, and waist curves are the most noticeable findings. This can be accompanied by back and waist pain. As the degree of curvature increases, respiratory distress may also occur.


    • If there is asymmetry in the person’s back or waist,
    • If one shoulder is higher than the other,
    • If one shoulder blade is more protruding or prominent than the other when viewed from the back,
    • If one leg appears longer than the other,
    • If the trunk or chest is tilted to one side,
    • If when the person leans forward, the ribs on one side of the body remain higher than the other side,
    • If clothes constantly hang asymmetrically on the person, there may be a spinal deformity and suspicion should be raised.


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